Reference Books
1. Generalzoology, Storer & Usinger, 6th Edition
2. Campbell's Biology
3. Life, Ricki Lewis, 3rd Edition
4. Parasitology , 5th Edition , Chatterjee , K.D.,India
5. Entomology for students of Medicine, Gordon. R.M.& M.M Lavoipere, Blackwell
Scientific Publications, Oxford, London.
6. Invertebrate Zoology, E.L Jordon & P.S Verma, S.Chand and Co.Ltd, New Delhi,India
7. Starr's Biology, 4th Edition , Larry G.Sellers, Louisiana Tech University, Brook/Cole,U.S.A
8. Chordate Zoology & Animal Physiology, E.L Jordon & P.S Verma, S.Chand and Co.Ltd,
New Delhi, India