About Department
Department Objectives
All the end of the premedical course in Mathematics, the student should be able to:
Acquire a basic knowledge of mathematics which will later be useful in its application to medical sciences.
Apply the knowledge of mathematics in solving the problems.
1. develop the skills in computing methods and techniques associated with information on practical work and research.
3. achieve a habit of going through a process of logical thinking by training in
mathematical reasoning and thus make correct decisions suitable to
4. attain basic skills in mathematical modeling interpretation of results in
biological and medical sciences.
Former Head
(1) Daw Aye Maw (1994-2008) Lecturer University of Medicine (I)
(attached from Yangon University)
(2) Daw Shu Wai (2008-2010) Lecturer University of Medicine (I)
(attached from Yangon University)
Academic Staff
(1) Daw Nyo Nyo (2011-2014) Assistant Lecturer University of Medicine (I)
(2) Daw Khin Sabe Thwin (2013 to up today) Tutor University of Medical Technology, Yangon